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Head of Division
Prof. Can Li
Prof. Can Li has been working on both fundamental and applied research in catalysis and making efforts to reveal the essential relationship between catalytic performance and catalyst structure, and try to understand catalysis at various ……
g on both fundamental and applied research in catalysis and making efforts to reveal the essential relationship between catalytic performance and catalyst structure, and try to understand catalysis at various ……

OrielAAA Solar Simulator

发布人:管理员    发布时间:2014年06月04日     返回首页

该模拟器为450W太阳光模拟器,水平出光,辐照面积:5050毫米;符合标准组织IEC904-9/ASTM927-05/JISC8912规定的A级模拟器的标准:光谱匹配度0.75-1.25;光斑非均匀性小于2%;光强长期不稳定性小于2%;标配AM1.5G 空气质量滤波器。与该仪器一起配置的还有Si参比电池,其由NIST标定认证并提供证书,NREL可溯源。这套模拟光源系统可以为实验测试提供国际认可的标准光源,大大提高实验数据的可信度和被认知度,为建立统一的光催化活性测试标准奠定基础

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