Chunyan Yang
Personal:Born in JiuQuan, Gansu Province, 1984
2007-2013 PhD. Candidate (Physical Chemistry), State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2003-2007 Bachelor degree, Northwest Normal University
E-Mail: cyyang@dicp.ac.cn
Research Interests: Photovoltaic cell
Ph. D Thesis Title:
Fabrication of One-dimensional CdS Nanoarrays and the Applications in Solar Cells
Supervisor: Prof. Can Li,Prof. Wenhua Zhang
Defense Date: May 17, 2013
Prof. Aimin Liu
(刘爱民) (Chairman)
Prof. Wansheng You
Prof. Qiang Fu
Prof. Qihua Yang
Prof. Weishen Yang