Zhao Ji
Born in Chengde, Hebei province 1983
2005-2013 PhD. Candidate (Physical Chemistry), State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2001-2005 bachelor degree, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University
E-Mail: jzhao@dicp.ac.cn
Research Interests: photovoltaic cell
Ph. D Thesis Title:
Preparation of high purity silicon and nanostructured silicon materials by molten salt electro-deoxidation method
Supervisor: Prof. Can Li
Defense Date: May 17, 2013
Prof. Yi Tan
(谭毅) (Chairman)
Prof. Pengfei Xing
Prof. Jian Chen
Prof. Wenhua Zhang
Prof. Yujiang Song